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WITW - Kid Connection
International Story
Hockey Pucks and World Affairs

Submitted by the 6th Grade of New London Elementary

To our Canadian Friends: The NHL All-Star game had for American viewing a hockey puck with a micro chip that gave off a blue dot that would allow viewers to follow the puck. We found this to be annoying and strange. We would like to know what your feelings are on this if you saw this. Do you think we should not have any blue dot on the screen?

In another matter, an article appeared that said Americans have only tubal vision of the world affairs. A majority of Americans say they now get their news from TV news. They see the third world made up of Bosnia and Israel. Italy, Spain, France and Germany exist but nothing ever happens there. America's trouble stems from the lack of family values. Canada is boring except for a little excitement from Quebec. South America is there past the Panama Canal we think. Are we overlooking something? Oh yes, France set off a few nukes off Tahiti. Awful, wasn't it.

We would like to hear from non-Americans of how they see us and it would be interesting to see if these statements are accurate.

Your global friends,
Tory, Diane, Allison, Chelle, Damon
New London Elementary 6th Grade
Send mail to bg051@cleveland.Freenet.Edu

This article first appeared in the Global News Project.

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